Your Guide

Lives with her cat Pooh Bear. Relationships are key in her life. Helping others to find what they are looking for. Kindhearted, caring, and creative. Understanding life from the eyes of the past and living in the NOW.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Summary The Nine Insights

Summary by Axcella
The way I see these are apart of Living with Intent. Like the call of the Toltec's
The Mastery of Awareness to become aware of your own beliefs, opinions, fears, judgments and other sub-conscious attitudes that control your behaviour.
The Mastery of Transformation. You have to unlearn everything you know. The opinions and fears you have been to have. All the distortions of light in your perception.
There are no rules about who you should be or how you should think or act.
Discard all the beliefs and agreements that cause you to hurt from self-judgments and self-rejections. Live you life with self-acceptance and self-love.
When you Master Intent and Love magic will happen in your life, and abundance will come to you effortlessly. You will be master of your own life, and live in the dream of Heaven on Earth.
The Nine Insights are as follows:
1.Start paying closer attention to those seemingly "Chance Coincidences" - strange occurrences that feel like they were meant to happen. They are actually synchronistic events, and following them will start you on your path to spiritual truth.
2.Observe our culture within its proper historical context.
3.Start to get acquainted with the subtle energy that infuses all things. With practice, you can learn to see the aura around any living being and to project your own energy around it to give it strength.
4.An unconscious competition for energy underlies all conflicts. By dominating or manipulating others, we get the extra energy we think we need. Sure, it feels good - but both parties are damaged in the conflict.
5.The key to overcoming conflict in the world is the mystical experience, which is available to everyone. To nurture the mystical and build your energy, allow yourself to be filled with a sense of love.
6.Childhood traumas block our ability to fully experience the mystical.
7.Once cleared of traumas, you can build energy through contemplation and meditation, focus on you basic life question, and start riding a steady stream of intuitions, dreams, and synchronistic coincidences, all guiding you in the direction of your own evolution and transformation.
8.That evolution can't be done alone, so begin to practice the new "Interpersonal Ethic" by uplifting those who cross your path. Talk to people who make spontaneous eye contact with you. Avoid co-dependent relationships. Be there for people. Call attention to other people's control dramas. In groups, speak when the spirit (instead of the ego) moves you.
9.Our purpose here is to evolve beyond this plane. Fewer people (a result of reproductive abstinence) and more old-growth forests will help us to sustain our energy and accelerate our evolution.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Four Agreements and the Mastery of the Toltec

I have just finished reading The Four Agreements, By Don Miquel Ruiz. The book is a practical guide to Personal Freedom. A book about Toltec Wisdom.

A thousand years ago the Toltec were known as 'women and men of knowledge.' The Toltec were not a nation or a race, in fact, they were scientists and artists who formed a society to explore and conserve the spiritual knowledge and practices of the Ancients. They had masters
(naguals) and students.
Over the millennia they were forced to conceal the wisdom and maintain things in secret.

As children, we didn't have the opportunity to choose our beliefs, with the information that was passed to us the dream of the planet from others. This is called the domestication of humans. Through this we learned how to live and how to dream.

The dream of the planet was the result of a collective of other dreams. We have been taught how to dream the planet.

We need attention to discriminate and to focus on that which we want to perceive as our dream.


Be impeccable with your word. Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.

Don't take anything personally. Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won't be the victim of needless suffering.

Do not make assumptions. Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with other as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness, and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.

Always to do your best. Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to being sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, and regret.

The Toltec Path to Freedom
The freedom we are all looking for is the freedom to be ourselves, to express ourselves. But if we look at our lives we will see that most of the time we do things, just to please others, just to be accepted by others, rather than living our lives to please ourselves. That is what has happened to our freedom.

The Three Things Mastery that Lead Toward Becoming A Toltec

1st is the Mastery of Awareness. To be aware of who we really are, with the possibilities.
2nd is the Mastery of Transformation. To change, to be free of our domestication.
3rd is the Mastery of Intent. It makes transformation of energy possible. Intent is life itself. Intent is unconditional love. Mastery of Intent is therefore the Mastery of Love.


Life can be very easy when love is your way of life. Only love has the ability to put you in a state of bliss. It is entirely possible to live this way all the time. Once you feel what it means to live in a state of bliss, you will love it. You will know that heaven on earth is truth ---- that heaven truly exists.


Today the Universe helps us to keep the love and the peace in our hearts and to make that love a new way to live our life, may we live in love for the rest of our life.

Focus your attention on your lungs, as if only your lungs exist. Feel the pleasure when your lungs expand to fulfill the biggest nee of the human body – to breathe.
Take a deep breath and feel the air as it fills your lungs. Expand your lungs with air until your body has the need to expel that air. Then expel and feel the pleasure again.
When ever we fill the need of our body we gain pleasure.

May this be the beginning toward becoming Toltec.

The Waiting Lady

Her long brown hair separated in the middle framed her brown skinned face. Her eyeglasses frame her eyes in opaque frame.
She wears a black coat, black shirt, black pants, and black boots.
Se look at her flip-style mobile phone.
Her ears are plugged with an ear piece on the end of the wire is a small white box.
She sits on the side of a row of computers waiting. Waiting for her chance to access the computer to take her from this place to the worldwide web.

The Walk Light

They stand at the corner of the Edmonton City Centre's southeast corner.
The weather is visible when they breath. They are bundled in coats, scarfs, hats, gloves, and footwear.
They are standing and waiting for the walk light on the northwest corner of the National Bank to change. The light changes. They cross over. Some walk south past the Bank, some west, and still some stop to wait to cross over to the northwest corner of the Stanley Milner Library.
They are standing and waiting for the walk light to change. It changes and they cross the street. Some walk east past the Library, others walk south. Still some stop to wait to cross over to the southwest corner of Sir Winston Churchill Square.
They are standing and waiting for the walk light to change. It changes and they cross the street. Some walk west past the Edmonton's City Centre, some walk north, and still some wait to cross over to the corner of the National Bank.
This goes on over and over again, all day, and sometime through the night. The walk light is moving us.

Your Eyes

Your Eyes
Your brown eyes.
Your doorway to your soul and your heart.
I look into your eyes.
I see heart that is filled with pain.
I also see desire to be the person you were meant to be.
Set your pain aside.
Rise above the pain.

My heart jumps when I am with the real you.
My heart rises.
-December 2009

The Magic of Love

We met.
We smiled.
We met again.
You smiled and said, 'Hi!'
-December 2009

Monday, November 23, 2009

Truth Wins Out's Weekly Newsletter-November 23, 2009


Items from the news related to the GLBTQ Networks

The New GLBT Pope Problem

It is time to admit that the gay community has a gigantic Pope problem. Under the leadership of Benedict XVI, the Vatican has become an implacable foe of liberalism, modernity and basic rights for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people. Rome has eagerly jumped with both feet into America's culture wars and is working on a global scale to punish or purge ideological dissenters within the church. This aggressive activism presents a formidable new front in the fight for parity - one with considerable political clout and financial resources.

Last week, a coalition of totalitarian religious activists and radical clerics joined forces to unveil the "Manhattan Declaration" at Washington's National Press Club. This rambling manifesto, written by former Watergate felon Chuck Colson, called for "Christians" to disobey laws they didn't fancy and to ignore civil rights laws that protected GLBT people from discrimination. It was a dishonest document filled with historical revisionism that promoted theocracy, encouraged anarchy and supported the dissolution of the rule of law. It falsely portrayed right wing Christians as victims, even as they pledged to work tirelessly to deny equality to those who would not adhere to their sectarian church rules.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The BIG Squeeze.

November 21, 2009 |
Relationships are NOT like oranges. The harder you squeeze, the less juice you get.

If you let go a little, you get a little peace. If you let go a lot, you get a lot of peace. If you let go completely, you get complete peace.

From: Break the
The Big Squeeze

Care 2 Causes - Condoms and the Climate?

If left unchecked, global climate change has the potential to drastically affect our access to fresh water, adequate food, and ample landspace for housing and agriculture.

Many experts point to the rapid growth of the world's population in the last hundreds years as one of the factors that have intensified the effects of climate change that we are already beginning to see.
posted by: Beth B. at

Late morning start. Slept in with Pooh Bear beside me.

Went to two events last night. First I went to Queers in Hood put on by Exposure Queer Art & Cultural Festival. Bought a light blue hankie which symbolizes that I am into oral sex. I had some coffee and gin. Met a friend there last night, Richard. He asked if I could buy him a yellow hankie, which means that the person is into water sports?
I then went to Play Nightclub where I had a VIP pass waiting for me at the door, compliments of the manager, Corey. I had a few drinks chatted with a few people, had a drink bought for me, and talk to some of the staff that I knew there. It was a good evening.
On the way home on the LRT I met a friend that I met at the Pride Centre, can't remember her name at the present time.
That was my night.
Kevin is still in the Remand Centre.
Made a few plans today. I plan to go pick up some laundry detergent and a few cleaning supplies. Then come home and wash clothes and clean house. I also plan to ask that good-looking Kevin to grow old with me.
Kevin, my partner, is going to be amazing today, quite frankly. He has got overwhelming support for me today. I will take it all in and lean on him, but don't forget to tell Kevin how grateful I am.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Hope what is Hope and What does hope do?

I was reading updates on Twitter to day. I came across greenhousedoll who had a link to John Maxwell's article on How to Be a Dealer in Hope. I like some of the things he spoke about on hope. For instance did you that Napoleon said: “Leaders are dealers in hope.”
Leaders deal hope. So what is hope? Why is hope so important to us? According to Maxwell's article 'Hope is a power that keeps us going in the toughest times of life.'
He has a list of what does hope do for humanity?
1.Hope shines brightest when the hour is darkest.
2.Hope motivates when discouragement comes.
3.Hope energizes when the body is tired.
4.Hope sweetens the bitterness bites.
5.Hope sings when all melodies are gone.
6.Hope believes when the evidence is eliminated.
7.Hope listens for answers when no one is talking.
8.Hope climbs over obstacles when no one is helping.
9.Hope endures hardship when no one is caring.
10.Hope shines confidently when no one is laughing.
11.Hope reaches for answers when no one is asking.
12.Hope presses toward victory when no one is encouraging.
13.Hope dares to give when no one is sharing.
He points out also, “Hope brings the victory when no one is winning.'
He makes a list of 'How do leaders offer hope to people?' I looked at that and asked how can I offer people hope? The same way. I would like to point out to you how you can get hope?
1.Change your way of thinking. My partner, Kevin, always says, 'stinking thinking leads to stinking living.' Live outside of the negativity.
2.Win some small victories in your life.
3.Know that I believe you can get through the worst of things.
I am hoping that this will make a world of difference in your life as it has in my life. I have stop as much of the negative thinking, work on small victories which have given me more life, and I now believe I can get out of every situation not to say it happens instantly.
Hope grab on to it.


There are something is my life I just cannot control and today one of those events may just be ready to surprise its way into my life. Being an Aries, it is hard to realized that things may not turn out the way I planned. Just need to focus on what needs to be done to the situation to my advantage. At very least, focusing on the temporary nature of problems, rather than getting carried away with the intensity of my feelings. Getting upset will not help me either. I can not put out a fire with petrol.
I am going through a very emotional period right now, where my emotional needs are being made a priority for me. The emotional element is most obvious in my love life, and I am making those needs known. I will need to express these needs to Kevin to be nurtured today, and sharing this experience with another person will certainly prove favorable for me. I am also getting lucky in my escort work these days, today I have some people talking about booking time with me. I should also spend time with some friends as they will certainly remind me of how lucky I am.

From my Personal Journal

I have decided to find away to have Kevin's charges dropped. He is already facing a possibly 6 months for his break & enter charges.
I have set up my blog and have begun blogging, twittering, and face-book. I am now trying to gain work through escorting.
I am no angel -- especially when naughtiness is the name of the game. I'm making the rules and then breaking them. Fortunately, I know when to turn from vice into nice, especially when it comes to romance.
Thinking back to a happy time. A really, really happy time in my life. Go back as far as it takes, to a time when I felt so light I thought I might float.
January 13, 2009 after my surgery in Montreal.
Then when Kevin came into my life.

I remember it. The carefree feeling. My acceptance of the moment, of myself, of life? Feeling unfettered by thoughts of the future and oblivious to the past?

Feel it a little longer...

There. Very nice.
    The Universe
The only difference between joyful moments and others... is me.
I've reached a milestone of sorts, and it's a good time to take a break and enjoy the view with Kevin my partner by my side. Try to make sure I don't let inertia (Inertia is the resistance of any physical object to a change in its state of motion.)drag me down.

I do my best when I am concentrating on an interesting job. Administrative work is especially favored. My home life could be stable today, providing a calming influence for me. Be cautious where love is concerned or a scandal could arise. To help avoid unwanted romantic advances, don't wear red or pink.